Ethics / Anti-Corruption / Respect for Human Rights / Safety and Health at Workplace

Compliance with international rules on employment and procurement

In addition to doing business overseas, we deal with personnel from various countries and regions particularly from various regions in Asia. As a global company, we respect and comply with international rules regarding employment and procurement.

TechnoPro Group Code of Conduct
2. Our Relationship with Society Guidelines : Investors


The TechnoPro Group aims to maintain fair relations with society and to practice behavior that conforms to social ethics. Our group Code of Conduct stipulates「2. Fair Business Practices and Appropriate Social Relations」.
We have established the "TechnoPro Group Anti-Bribery Guidelines" to maintain proper relations with society and government and to prevent corruption through compliance with laws and regulations concerning the prohibition of bribery applicable to the countries and regions where we conduct business, as well as internal related rules of each Group company. We strive to prevent bribery throughout the supply chain by informing our business partners of the "TechnoPro Group Anti-Bribery Guidelines" and by conducting due diligence and concluding contracts that include anti-bribery clauses.
TechnoPro Group Code of Conduct : Investors
TechnoPro Group Anti-Bribery Guidelines : Investors

We also have procedures in place to identify elements of corruption and take appropriate action against corruption in operations assessed as high risk. Internal and external monitoring and risk management are regularly reported to the Board of Directors by the CSR Promotion Department.

Political contributions/Number of serious disciplinary actions related to corruption/Number of fines related to corruption Guidelines
ESG Data Book

Specific Efforts

  • Eliminating Anti-Social Forces
  • The TechnoPro Group has no relationship with anti-social forces, including business relationships. Thorough prior investigation is conducted to ensure that business partners, etc. do not fall under the category of antisocial forces.
    About Anti-Social Forces : Investors

  • Internal Reporting system
  • We have established an Internal Reporting system to promote the prevention and early discovery of compliance violations including corruption and to ensure rapid and efficient responses in the event of an incident. Under the Internal Reporting system, we have established a consultation desk run by an outside attorney who is independent of the Group's management members. This arrangement allows the system to be used anonymously.
    Internal Audits and Internal Reporting System : Investors

  • Insider Trading Prevention
  • In order to prevent insider trading by TechnoPro Group executives and employees and other related parties, we have established the "TechnoPro Group Insider Trading Prevention Regulations" and strictly enforce these regulations.

  • Education for employees
  • We strive to prevent corruptive acts by disseminating the "TechnoPro Group Anti-Bribery Guidelines," "Insider Trading Prevention Regulations," and "Information Security Policy" through annual training sessions, and by incorporating them into daily operations. Training is conducted until 100% attendance. We also have a compliance book on our internal portal site that allows easy access at any time to information on bribery, insider trading, internal reporting systems, etc.

    Respect for Human Rights

    Respect for human rights is universal value and aligns with our corporate principles, the TechnoPro Group Purpose. Based on this idea, we demonstrate our commitment to respecting human rights as a group, adopting the TechnoPro Group Human Rights Policy as guidelines to fulfill this responsibility.
    Issues related to respect for human rights are discussed by the Sustainability Committee, chaired by the President, Representative Director and CEO, and the deliberations are regularly reported to the Board of Directors.
    Specific initiatives are as follows:
    - Initiatives for health management and diversity promotion issues under the jurisdiction of the Human Resources Department
    -Establishment of internal reporting and harassment consultation services for all members
    -Establishment of "TechnoPro Group Supplier Policy" to seek understanding and cooperation for respect of human rights throughout an entire supply chain
    In October 2021, we signed on to the United Nations Global Compact and joined the Global Compact Network Japan.

    TechnoPro Group Human Rights Policy Guidelines : Investors
    Sustainability Promotion System Structure
    Internal reporting cases

    Employee education and development

    Sustainability training for all managers and employees

    The TechnoPro Group conducts an annual sustainability training to deepen an understanding of corporate sustainability among managers and employees. This training covers topics related to our philosophy system, sustainability, environmental protection, compliance, ethics, human rights policy, the protection of personal information, information security policy, and prevention of corruption. We follow up to ensure the training participation rate reaches 100%.

    Sustainability Training (human rights, ethics, information security, and anti-corruption) attendance rate Guidelines

    ESG Data Book

    Safety and Health at Workplace

    The TechnoPro Group complies with the Labor Standards Act, the Industrial Safety and Health Act, and other relevant laws and regulations to ensure a safe and healthy work environment. The Compliance Committee (an organization under the ERM Committee) and the Health Committee at each business site share information and discuss issues to prevent work-related accidents and employee illness. We also follow up to ensure the occupational health and safety training participation rate reaches 100%. In addition, we regularly report to the Board of Directors on health and safety risks such as overtime and overwork.

    Number of work-related accidents and fatalities due to work-related accidents Guidelines

    ESG Data Book