TechnoPro Holdings, Inc. Named IR Grand Prix and “Most Liked!” IR Award at the IR Award 2024
Nov 14, 2024
TechnoPro Holdings, Inc. hereby announces that it has been recognized by the Japan Investor Relations Association (JIRA) as one of the IR Grand Prix and “Most Liked!” IR Award winners at the IR Award 2024.
The IR Award, marking its 29th event, is designed to recognize companies which have been highly accredited in the investor community for their understanding and promotion of IR activities. Of the JIRA member companies, 355 publicly-traded companies applied for the 2024 IR Award and a total of 12 companies were selected and received awards: the IR Grand Prix was given to two companies, the Best IR Awards to six, the IR Special Awards to two, and the Best IR Awards for Encouragement to two.
Following the winning of the Best IR Award for Encouragement for 2019 and the Best IR Award for 2021 and 2022, the Company was named as one of the IR Grand Prix winners for the first time. The IR Grand Prix is given to companies that have been awarded the Best IR Award twice in the last 10 years, and are worthy of being selected for a third time. The Company was selected for the award as a result of highly evaluated initiatives below.
- Enhanced information disclosure, which serves as the basis for dialogue with investors
- Detailed financial results briefing materials and easy-to-understand KPIs-based explanations
- Responds to investors’ interests by updating information on the medium-term management plan in addition to the financial results briefing
- Provides not only company-related information but also market environment data, which allows investors to obtain an overall picture of the industry
- The CEO and CFO have a proactive IR attitude, and further evolved the IR activities even after receiving the Best IR Award in 2021 and 2022
- Dialogue with Outside Directors and explanations regarding human capital investment are also highly-evaluated
In addition, the Company has been selected as one of the “Most Liked!” IR Award winners for the second time, following the 2022 Award.
The “Most Liked!” IR Award has been newly created in 2020 to share proactive IR experiences of companies that applied for the IR Award, and realize best practices. The theme for this Award in 2024 was “initiatives to bridge the gap between management and investors.”
TechnoPro Holdings, Inc. will continue to disclose information fairly and transparently to its shareholders and investors, and strive to achieve sustainable growth and maximize shareholder value.
About JIRA IR Award, refer to the JIRA website at:
About IR information of TechnoPro Holdings, Inc., visit our website at: