CEO Message
As the largest technology-focused solution service group in Japan, TechnoPro Group provides a wide range of services, including engineer staffing, project-typed outsourcing, technical consulting, overseas offshoring, engineer training services, and placement services, addressing our clients’ technical needs and challenges. With a client base of more than 2,500 companies in Japan, we have engineers and researchers covering almost all technical fields in demand, including machinery, electrical and electronics, IT applications, IT infrastructure, AI/data analysis, chemistry, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, architecture, civil engineering, and energy. As of June 2024, we have over 26,000 engineers in Japan and more than 2,500 overseas. In response to the increasing demand for highly skilled IT engineers amidst the growing need for digital transformation (DX) across various industries, one of our strengths is that over half of our engineers in Japan are IT professionals.
In recent years, Japan’s labor market and employment environment have undergone significant changes, and the challenges faced by our clients and society have become increasingly complex and advanced. TechnoPro Group is responding to these changes by evolving the capabilities we have cultivated. As technological advancements continue to accelerate and the range of technical fields required by our clients expands, we are promoting the growth of the Solution Business, with a focus on the digital domain. Additionally, to address the structural shortage of engineers, in addition to our industry-leading education and training systems for developing talent in-house, we are focusing on nurturing high-value-added talent through partnerships with global IT vendors and alliances with startup companies.
Looking ahead to a future in which Japan’s population is expected to decline, we recognize the need to build a society where a larger number of workers shift into growth sectors. By leveraging our strengths in recruitment, training, and customer base, we believe that TechnoPro Group can contribute to improving productivity across Japan and fostering the nation’s economic development by shifting talent into growth areas within our group.
As uncertainty in the business environment increases, the importance of a company’s Purpose as the cornerstone of business management is growing. TechnoPro Group upholds its Purpose: “Driving the Power of Technology and Talent to Co-create Value Together with our Customers for a Sustainable Society.” Through the creation of both economic and social value, we aim for sustainable growth and the enhancement of shareholder value.
We believe in the power of “technology” and “talent,” and we will continue to refine both. By providing an attractive stage for engineers and researchers to thrive, we will remain the most trusted partner for clients and an indispensable presence in society. Moving forward, all of our executives and employees will continue to work together to achieve this goal.
We sincerely appreciate your continued support.
September 2024
Takeshi Yagi
President, Representative Director and CEO