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  • Winschool Offers Online Classes for Individual Instruction at Home or Work: Students to be Sent PCs With Pre-Loaded Content to Take Programming, CAD, and Other Classes Quickly and Easily


Winschool Offers Online Classes for Individual Instruction at Home or Work: Students to be Sent PCs With Pre-Loaded Content to Take Programming, CAD, and Other Classes Quickly and Easily

Apr 23, 2020

  • Online classes available at home or work for MS Office, IT and programming, construction CAD, and more
  • Individualized, detailed lessons; maximum of three students per instructor for rapid skills learning
  • Students receive rental PCs pre-loaded with coursework, eliminating the need to gather equipment, software

TechnoPro Holdings education and training subsidiary PC Assist Co., Ltd. (Kyoto, Japan; Hikaru Shimosaka, president) will begin offering Winschool Online, a new service under the Winschool lineup of training content in mechanical, IT, and other fields. Winschool Online will offer online courses in MS Office, IT and programming, construction CAD, and other topics.

Service Overview

Winschool Online provides individual lessons through online classes, based on the Winschool content used by 1,500 companies and more than 17,000 individuals annually. Students can take the same lessons available at physical locations and under the same individual instruction methods at home or at work, learning skills efficiently over a short period of time.

Winschool Online Features
Detailed Instruction in Small Classes, Tailored to Each Individual’s Level

Winschool Online offers small class, consisting of a maximum three students per instructor.
This online format goes beyond the self-study model in which instructors only answer questions. Winschool Online instructors can observe student work in real time during class, adding explanations and confirming each student’s understanding to provide detailed instruction tailored to the objectives and skills of each individual.
Using curriculum developed through expertise developed based on training conducted at 1,500 companies annually, these individualized lessons help even inexperienced students learn skills in a short period of time.

PCs With Pre-Loaded Content, No Need to Acquire Computers or Software

Winschool Online sends rental PCs pre-loaded with course content and other materials to students at home or at work.
Pre-loaded computers eliminate the time and effort required to arrange for equipment or software, allowing students to have a trouble-free, smooth learning experience despite different environmental circumstances.

Course Information and Application Procedures All Available Online

Any persons interested in Winschool Online can learn more about courses, apply, and reserve lessons online, taking Winschool classes without the need to attend in person.
Students can submit questions not asked during class to online Q&A bulletin boards outside class hours. Beginners or students with less experience can be confident in getting the information and answers they need.

How it works [Japanese audio only]


Winschool Online will begin accepting applications at 9:00AM, April 24, 2020 (JST).

See the Winschool Online website for more information about course content and to watch videos demonstrating classes. [Japanese pages only]

In addition to Winschool Online, Winschool has also started online seminars of no more than six students per class, offered through live two-way broadcast technology.

Winschool offers course content through a variety of formats not tied to specific locations, providing wide-ranging support for professional skills development planning.

About Winschool

Winschool operates 56 physical locations across Japan, from Hokkaido to Kagoshima. The core concept of Winschool is to foster every type of professional sought by companies. The education company provides training to technicians, engineers, and designers in fields such as programming, networking, CAD, Web programming, and design. More than 17,000 individuals enroll at Winschool each year. The schools provide carefully designed individual lessons and the latest advances in learning environments to teach practical skills directly linked to work opportunities. Half of Winschool students are from corporate clients, and Winschool provides employee training to over 1,500 companies each year.

Winshool (Japanese pages only)

About TechnoPro Group

TechnoPro Group is Japan’s largest technology-focused staffing and service corporate group, with more than 20,000 technicians and researchers in Japan, China, Southeast Asia, India, England, and other locations. The company is recognized for its expertise across a broad range of specialties, covering nearly every area of technology considered necessary in Japanese industry. These fields include machinery, electrical/electronic engineering, information systems, chemistry, biotechnology, medicine, construction, and civil engineering. The company provides a variety technology-based services, including engineer staffing, subcontracting, technology consulting, recruiting services, and other technology-based services to more than 2,000 companies, universities, and research institutions in Japan and overseas. (All figures are as of June 2019)

TechnoPro Holdings, Inc.