Corporate Citizenship
In order to provide real-world career guidance that cannot be covered in school education, the company has been planning and running special career classes for middle and high school students since 2018, as well as sponsorship of "Koshien Science Championship" for high school students and the "Junior Koshien Science Championship" for junior high school students organized by the National Institute of Science and Technology Agency, and partnership agreement with Waffle, a non-profit organization that encourages the advancement of women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields, among others.
Social Contribution Policy
The TechnoPro Group, as a good corporate citizen, will play a role in solving social issues and contribute to the realization of a prosperous society and its sustainable development, in addition to creating social value through its business activities, The "Social Contribution Policy" is hereby established to clarify the objectives, principles, and areas of focus of our social contribution activities.
1. Objectives and Principles
- The purpose of TechnoPro Group's social contribution activities is to build a relationship of trust with our stakeholders and, based on that relationship of trust, to create a virtuous cycle that leads to increased corporate value by leveraging our strengths in "technology" and "talent".
- The TechnoPro Group places importance on the following principles when selecting social contribution activities for it to engage in.
Public Interest: Contributing to solving issues in the international and local communities
Transparency: Maintain transparency in decision-making and activities
Accountability: Be accountable to stakeholders in terms of the relevance to business activities and the significance and effectiveness of activities
2. Focus Areas
- The TechnoPro Group will focus its social contribution activities on the following areas that are highly compatible with its business strategy, based on its Purpose and materialities.
- (1)Development of the Next Generation
Activities to nurture potential future engineers and researchers by utilizing our accumulated technical capabilities, knowledge, training know-how. - (2)Creation of Opportunities for Diverse Human Resources
Activities related to the creation and support of international and regional foundations, where engineers and researchers can improve their skills and play more active roles, regardless of gender, age, nationality, disability, or other attributes. - (3)Coexistence with Local Communities
Activities that contribute to harmony with local communities and sustainable development by identifying needs and issues in each domestic and overseas region in which we operate and contributing to solving them.
Published: June 30, 2022
Regional contribution
The TechnoPro Group has over 200 bases in Japan and conducts business closely related to local industries and employment. We actively participate in activities aimed at promoting regional economic development and improving living conditions, via activities such as local festivals and events, tree planting and beautification. In addition, we continue to support areas affected by natural disasters.
Continued support for tree-planting activities in Onagawa-cho, Miyagi
In Onagawa-cho, Oshika-gun, Miyagi Prefecture, which was greatly damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake, cherry tree planting activities by local volunteers are ongoing to restore the beautiful scenery lost in the tsunami. The TechnoPro Group supports this activity through the donation of seedlings.
In addition, during the tree planting work, TechnoPro Group employees participate as volunteers planting cherry trees in various town locations with the local townspeople.
Contributing our Expertise in Recruitment to Help Companies Supporting the Environment
A member of the TechnoPro Group, Boyd & Moore Executive Search has provided recruitment services on a non-fee basis to Plastic Bank, a company that is revolutionizing the recycling global supply chain by using ocean plastic pollution and recycled materials. In this way, it is contributing to environmental issues through its ability to search for suitable candidates in support of companies that are addressing the global plastic issue.
Boyd & Moore Executive Search
Supporting the community as an IT company
As an IT company, TechnoGroup’s Robosoft Technologies, is continuously donating PC and online equipment to schools in India with the goal of improving society and the communities in which society and companies operate. During the pandemic, it provided oxygen cylinders to local hospitals.
Robosoft Technologies Private Limited
For students
Koshien Science Championship
Junior Koshien Science Championship

In 2011 Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) established the ‘Koshien Science Championship’ for high school students and the ‘Junior Koshien Science Championship’ for junior high school students, in an effort to ‘increase the number of science enthusiasts and grow the number of top scientists.’ It holds prefectural and national tournaments annually. Science loving pupils form teams and compete in a number of fields within science, mathematics, and ICT. There are currently about 680 high schools nationwide participating in ‘Science Koshien Championships.’ The TechnoPro Group has been participating in planning these initiatives as a collaborative partner since 2017.
Mono-Coto Innovation

‘Mono-Coto Innovation,’ headed by CurioSchool, Inc. and sponsored by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, consists of junior and senior high school companies collaborating with companies and across generations to create as yet unseen breakthrough ideas and prototypes, and in the process compete in problem discovery, problem solving, and originality. The TechnoPro Group is in accordance with the vision of this initiative and endorses its activities.
Special career classes for high school students

In Japan, many young people make the important career choices between ‘Humanities’ or ‘Sciences’ when they are in their first year of high school, but end up deciding based on the subjects they like or dislike and whether their grades are good or bad. In some cases there is evidence of insufficient information about work or career plans.
The TechnoPro Group works with a number of high schools to help with some of their career guidance lectures and to support future career choices.
Sponsorship for the Waffle Camp

We sponsor the Waffle Camp hosted by Waffle, an NPO that supports women's empowerment in the STEM field. We are working to promote opportunities for women and expand the foundation of the next generation of engineering talent through sponsorship of the Waffle Camp.
About the Waffle Camp
Waffle Camp aims to "eliminate feelings of weakness in IT and science and increase interest in IT" through a program that combines website creation courses and career lectures by working adults working in fields such as IT.
For more information:
For children of elementary school age and below
TechnoPro Kids Science
As an opportunity for elementary school students to experience the joys and wonders of science, we hold ‘TechnoPro Kids Science,’ which conducts various scientific experiments at elementary schools in each region.
In collaboration with local PTAs and Boards of Education, TechnoPro Group engineers act as teachers and conduct experiments using chemicals, electricity, heat, and magnetic force. These experiment classrooms are operated in a hands-on format, where each child does not just watch, but actually physically operates the experiments with their own hands and body.
For overseas children
Participating in the Picture Book Delivery program
Provided by Shanti Volunteer Association (©Yoshifumi Kawabata)
The Shanti Volunteer Association adds local language translation stickers to Japanese picture books so that children can read them, and delivers them to elementary schools in various countries and regions such as Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, and other Southeast Asian areas. The SVA has operated the book delivery campaign since 1999.
The TechnoPro Group endorses this activity. As well as donating picture books, employees participate as volunteers in sticking on the local language stickers. Employees produced picture books with their families at our headquarters in Roppongi Hills.