Stock Information

Latest 7 Years Highs and Lows

FY18.6 FY19.6 FY20.6 FY21.6 FY22.6 FY23.6 FY24.6
High (JPY) 2,477 2,490 2,730 3,097 3,720 4,150 3,858
Low (JPY) 1,447 1,372 1,307 1,757 2,430 2,730 2,526

Highest and lowest stock prices are those listed in the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Furthermore, the Company's initial public offering was on as of December15, 2014; therefore, no stock information is available prior to that date.
Calculated based on the number of shares AFTER a three-for-one common stock split conducted on July 1, 2021