CEO Message

Dear Shareholders,

We appreciate your continued trust and support.

In FY2023 (from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023), we focused on growth of the Core Business (engineer dispatching business in Japan) and the expansion of the Solution Business and overseas operations mainly in the digital domain. As a result, we achieved growth in both revenue and profit: revenue was 199.8 billion yen (up 11.8% from FY2022); operating profit was 21.8 billion yen (up 5.8%).

In the latter three years of the Medium-Term Management Plan "Evolution 2026" ending in the fiscal year ending June 2026, which is positioned as a period of achieving high growth, we will further strengthen our flexible and swift operational response capabilities, which were demonstrated during the COVID-19 pandemic. We will continue to actively embrace evolving technologies and enhance our technical capabilities and human resources. By resolving increasingly complex and sophisticated challenges faced by our customers and society, we will achieve sustainable growth.

The current environment surrounding our group is undergoing rapid changes, including intensified competition for talent acquisition domestically and the manifestation of geopolitical risks in the global market. However, even in such circumstances, we will adhere to the following basic principles of our capital and financial strategy as before, strive to implement appropriate business strategies, and create new added value.

  • (1)Maintain a dividend payout ratio of 50% or higher
  • (2)Achieve a return on equity (ROE) of 20% or higher
  • (3)Achieve sustainable growth in earnings per share (EPS)
  • (4)Maintain a debt/equity ratio (D/E) of less than 1
  • (5)Conduct management with an awareness of cost of capital, targeting return on invested capital (ROIC) and other disciplined measures

We will make efforts to maintain and enhance understanding and trust from customers, employees, and society who support our business foundation, while promoting constructive dialogue with shareholders and managerial transparency. In addition, we aim to became a corporate group which can meet expectations and trust from every stakeholder by contributing to society through business activities based on the our purpose (reason of existence).

In closing, I’d like to thank you for your continued trust and support.

September 2023
Takeshi Yagi
Takeshi Yagi
President, Representative Director and CEO