Development of highly skilled personnel and inexperienced personnel

Training systems of the TechnoPro Group

The TechnoPro Group placed training centers across Japan to promote education for all employees, providing more than 500 different training programs that are diversified and multilateral, such as technical skill and human/business skill trainings.
Usually, company training programs tend to lose their substance, but the TechnoPro Group prepares an environment where engineers can take various trainings at different occasions;
・at the timing of entering the company
・during a stand-by period
・when an assignment has changed
・when an engineer is preparing for a qualification exam
We also provide a strategic training for engineers to learn the latest IT technologies or acquire data process-related technologies.
Going forward, we believe that many engineers will need to re-skill or obtain multiple skills as external environment changes. Therefore, we are committed to create a training system that accommodates potential needs by catching the new trend of technology and thinking logic as soon as possible.

About Win Learning

Number of people undergoing training

Development of highly skilled personnel

AI, Data Science

AI was initially introduced mainly into large companies, and now the introduction of AI is being considered by many companies for various purposes regardless of scale or type of business. However, the data scientists, data analysts, and consulting engineers who are key to the diffusion of AI are overwhelmingly lacking, creating a bottleneck for technological innovation.
The TechnoPro Group has collaborated with Japan’s leading know-how companies in the fields of big data analysis and AI such as i’s FACTORY and LIGHTz, and has jointly developed a training program including OJT. Engineers selected in-house can master data scientist and other skills in a relatively short period of time, and contribute as highly skilled personnel in customer’s internal projects.

Cyber Security

With the globalization of the supply chain, companies doing business in today's international markets are required to comply with international standards in terms of cyber security. In the U.S., the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) NIST SP800-171 is becoming the de facto international standard for security standards, and many companies, including those in Japan, are facing an urgent need to comply directly or indirectly with it.
In order to remain competitive in a global market where full security measures are indispensable for all products and services, highly skilled and experienced cyber security talents are essential. In response to these business requirements, the TechnoPro Group is focusing on developing cyber security professionals in cooperation with CYBERGYM, a global provider of cyber-readiness solutions.

Development and design of automobiles and aircraft

In automobiles, autonomous driving at a higher level is becoming a reality due to the spread of operational assist functions, and the automobile concept itself is set to become entirely different from the traditional notion. The development of automobiles with a large number of sensors and controls, and that use the information obtained from them to drive themselves, need embedded software that is incomparable to past requirements as well as an enormous amount of development man hours.
In addition, the importance of simulation is increasing in order to ensure safety and durability as bodies or airframes of automobiles and aircraft etc. are composed of many types of materials, such as metals and carbon fibers, and are used over a long period of time in various environments.
The TechnoPro Group is working in cooperation and collaboration with dSPACE Japan and Integration Technology for model-based development of embedded software, and with the Advanced Simulation Technology Of Mechanics R&D for CAE analysis. It has also established educational training systems in various development and design fields to develop human resources to meet customer needs, such as for major manufacturers.

Adult doctorate system

There is a great need for researchers who have completed highly specialised doctoral courses within basic research conducted at universities, as well as research into applications and development within companies. However, due to expensive college fees, the number of students giving up on doctorate studies in favour of employment after completing a master’s degree is increasing. There are cases where students obtain a doctoral degree while working as a member of society, but in reality the time constraints and tuition fee payment are a significant burden on the individual.
For adult researchers in the field of medicine and biotechnology the TechnoPro group prepared an environment where engineers who have passed the company examination can pursue both work and academic study. This is a system to support engineers who want to focus on the study in a graduate school to enhance their professional skills.

Development of inexperienced personnel

Construction Management Engineers

In order to cope with the serious shortage of engineers in the domestic construction market, we have established technical centers in Tokyo and Osaka to train inexperienced individuals to become building construction management engineers.
The training program covers various curriculums for acquiring comprehensive basic knowledge in areas such as architecture, civil engineering & equipment with courses such as an introduction to architecture, architectural drawings, construction management, introduction to surveying, introduction to civil engineering, and surveying practice.

3D-CAD Designers

Science and engineering graduates with no design experience are employed as CAD designer course trainees. After about 2 months of practical training personnel become trained mechanical designers. On completion of the program, staff are employed as engineers with an active role in automobiles and industrial machinery.