TechnoPro Group Human Rights Policy

Respect for human rights is a universal value and is consistent with the practice of the TechnoPro Group Purpose. Therefore, we stipulate the following in this TechnoPro Group Human Rights Policy as a guideline to promote respect for human rights throughout the group and to fulfill our responsibilities in this area.

1. Basic Approach to Human Rights

  • Respecting the dignity and rights of every human is our basic stance. We do our best avoid direct involvement, as well as indirect influence through relevant external parties, in any abuse of human rights in our business activities.

2. Respect for Norms and Standards

  • We comply with social rules, including domestic and international laws and regulations, engaging in fair and honest business activities based on social norms.
  • We support and respect international norms related to human rights. These norms include the United Nations International Bill of Human Rights (the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights), the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Furthermore, we comply with the principles of the United Nations Global Compact as a signatory.
  • In the event that we face discrepancies in the internationally recognized human rights norms and the laws and regulations of any relevant country or region, we follow the higher standards. In cases of conflicting standards, we pursue ways to honor the principles of internationally recognized human rights.

3. Key Human Rights Issues

  • Based on the items and content related to human rights in the TechnoPro Group Code of Conduct and the United Nations Global Compact, we identify those key issues with a particularly high potential for impacting human rights on which we should focus to mitigate human rights risks.
  • We review these key human rights issues in response to changes in international norms, social conditions, and our business activities.

〔Key Human Rights Issues〕

(1)Prohibition of Discrimination

  • We prohibit unfair discrimination for any reason, including but not limited to nationality, race, age, place of birth, occupation, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, ideology, creed, religion, disability, social status, or family origin.

(2)Prohibition of Harassment

  • We prohibit harassment, slander, or defamation of any kind based on gender, social status, or other factors.

(3)Prohibition of Forced Labor and Child Labor

  • We prohibit inhumane practices such as forced labor and other forms of labor procured through slavery or human trafficking. Child labor is also prohibited.

(4)Achieving Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

  • We provide fair and equitable opportunities of employment, assignments, promotions, and other treatments, regardless of gender, nationality, age or other attributes of the individual.
  • We foster a corporate culture and organizational climate that respects and accepts diversity in innate attributes, backgrounds, characteristics, personalities, values, etc., allowing each individual to express their abilities fully.

(5)Respect for Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining

  • We respect the right of employees to form labor unions of their own free will and to choose to participate or not participate. We also allow for the exercise of rights to collective bargaining.
  • As a company, we will negotiate in good faith through constructive dialogue with labor representatives.

(6)Appropriate Wages and Work Hour Management

  • We comply with laws and regulations applicable to compensation (including minimum wage, overtime pay, and legally mandated benefits and wage deductions). We also give consideration to the payment of a living wage.
  • We comply with applicable laws and regulations to manage working hours and holidays appropriately. We promote work-life balance for employees.

(7)Ensuring Employee Safety, Hygiene, and Health

  • We provide employees with comfortable working environments in consideration of the physical and mental health and safety.

(8)Protecting Freedom of Expression and Privacy

  • We recognize the importance of protecting freedom of expression in communications and privacy, taking care to avoid violations of these principles.
  • We handle personal information in a fair and appropriate manner in compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and internal rules.

4. Fulfilling Responsibilities Regarding Respect for Human Rights

  • We engage in human rights due diligence and other efforts to identify, prevent, and mitigate negative impact on human rights.
    We strive to provide appropriate remedies and corrective actions when there has been a clear negative impact on human rights, whether caused directly or contributed to indirectly.
  • We have established an internal reporting system and a harassment consultation desk, to receive reports and consultations from employees regarding acts that may have a negative impact on human rights. We operate this system in an appropriate manner.
  • We disclose on our corporate website our progress and the results of our efforts in respecting human rights. We engage in dialogue with stakeholders regarding the content of these disclosures.
  • We strive to communicate proactively regarding respect for the human rights of people in the local community.
  • We provide education and enlightenment to our executives and employees for the purpose of understanding promotion and penetration of this policy, as well as for the effective implementation of this policy in our business activities.
  • Our efforts to respect human rights based on this policy apply to all TechnoPro Group executives and employees. In addition, we seek to gain an understanding and the cooperation of our stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, business partners, and other members of the supply chain. In this way, we strive to contribute to the creation of societies in which human rights are respected and protected.

Established: October 29, 2021